Of Spiritual Gifts

One thing I really appreciate with ebook readers like the Kindle is the ability to add notes and marks. Very useful when you come across something interesting and you want to make sure that you can revisit it.

I'm currently reading a book called True Community: The Biblical Practice of Koinonia  by Jerry Bridges. There is one snippet that leapt out at me when Jerry was writing about spiritual gifts and fellowship -
We usually don't think of fellowship in terms of responsibility, but that is because we have lost sight of the biblical meaning of fellowship. Fellowship is not just a social privilege to enjoy; it is more basically a responsibility to assume.
This is really important if you fellowship at a church where there is no or limited ordained structure or where the shape of the church is more open to expression. We all love to be fed and watered when fellowshipping but it truly is a blessing to serve as well, even if sometimes we don't feel that way.

Whatever spiritual gift or function the Lord has for us may we strive to find it and use it!

Authored by Chris Hall


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